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              12 prosthetic section                                                            DENTAL TECHNOLOGY, JULY-SEPTEMBER 2022

              transitional design (Figure 25).          available  space  for  layering  is  checked  to create high aesthetics and durable pros-
                This is then followed by the milling of a  (Figure 35). The layering of ceramic pow-  theses at the same time, lead the laborato-
              zirconia  disk  (Noritake  Katana  consump-  ders  is  done  with  dentine,  transparent,  ry to use specialized techniques to process
              tion HT 26mm 1200MP). The outer surface   translucent  and  color  modifiers,  until  the  aesthetic materials such as zirconia and to
              is microprocessed with morphological and  completion of the work and final firing.  ensure  fracture  resistance  such  as  that  of
              micro-morphological  characteristics,  as   In  Figures  39-44 is  the  completed   metal-ceramic.
              well as individualized stains for mamelons,  work,  the  aesthetics  and  morphology  of  In this article we can see the implemen-
              cervical  areas,  light-absorbing  areas,  teeth  and  soft  tissue,  as  well  as  the  bar  tation of a personalized digital design of a
              opalescent areas, occlusal and palatal sur-  cemented  in  its  final  position  with  dual  zirconia full arch over structure on implants
              faces  (Figures  26  &  27).  On  the  inner  polymerization cement.                with  the  support  and  reinforcement  of  a
              surface,  the  area  where  the  bar  will  be                                      titanium bar inside the zirconia in order to
              cemented is painted with a special liquid.  Clinical case of: Dr. Kunal Lal, DDS, MS,  avoid the possible issues that can occur to
              The result will be an opaque white surface  FACP                                    such excessively large zirconia restorations.
              that  is  intended  to  completely  cover  the                                        The  knowledge  of  the  techniques  and
              gray  color  of  titanium  bar  (Figure  28).  CONCLUSION                           materials  is  always  prerequisite  for  a  pre-
              After the sintering firing (Figures  29  to  Aesthetic  restorations  generate  a  great  dictable and reliable result.
              34) and  the  application  of  the  bar,  the  demand in restorative dentistry. The need

              FIG 37                                   FIG 38                                    FIG 39

              FIG 40                                   FIG 41                                    FIG 42

                                                                                                         About the author

                                                                                                                    Nondas Vlachopoulos BSc
                                                                                                                    Established "Aesthetic Lab" in
                                                                                                                    Athens and collaborates with
                                                                                                                    the Department of
                                                                                                                    Prosthodontics of the Eastman
                                                                                                                    Institute of Oral Health of the
                                                                                                                    University of Rochester, USA.
                                                                                                                    He is an editorial reviewer at
                                                                                                                    the American Academy of
                                                                                                                    Cosmetic Dentistry’s Journal of
                                                                                                    Cosmetic Dentistry (JCD) and international member of
                                                                                                    European Academy of Digital Dentistry (EADD).
               FIG 43
                                                                                                    His laboratory is part of the Postgraduate program leading
                                                                                                    to a Master of Science Degree in dental
                                                                                                    Biomaterials/Materials of Dental Technology. The program
                                                                                                    is operated by The Department of Dental Technology of
                                                                                                    the Technological Institution of Athens in conjunction with
                                                                                                    the Dental School of the National and Kapodistrian
                                                                                                    University of Athens.
                                                                                                    Nondas Vlachopoulos leads many educational hands-on
                                                                                                    courses in Greece and worldwide (USA, South America,
                                                                                                    Europe, Asia and Middle East). He is an invited lecturer on
                                                                                                    dental aesthetics at international meetings and congress-
                                                                                                    es and is a KOL for Noritake Dental, Ivoclar Vivadent and
                                                                                                    MPF Brush Co. in Greece.

               FIG 44
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