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              08 prosthetic section                                                            DENTAL TECHNOLOGY, JULY-SEPTEMBER 2022


                         IMPLANT SUPPORTED TITANIUM BAR

                                                           NONDAS VLACHOPOULOS

              The need to make full arch implant restora-  The  patient  presented  with  a  complete  the position of the teeth during the prosthe-
              tion  that  is  durable  and  highly  aesthetic  denture in the Maxilla (Figure 1). Implants  sis  fabrication.  Their  simultaneous  use
              leads the laboratory to use specialized tech-  were  surgically  positioned  for  the  patient  ensures maintenance of the correct position
              niques to process modern aesthetic materi-  according  to  plan  and  digital  scanning  ele-  and  length  of  the  incisal  edge  of  the  six
              als such as zirconia.  This ensures fracture  ments were positioned for impression making  anterior  teeth.  This  was  of  major  impor-
              resistance much like that of metal-ceramic.  procedures (Figures 2 & 3). Production of  tance as the patient expressed the desire to
              At times in such extensive large-scale zirco-  this case was done entirely digitally.    have his anterior teeth in the same position
              nia restorations, cracks can occur due to the  A temporary PMMA transitional restora-  and  of  the  same  length  as  the  interim
              nature of the material, the excessively large  tion  was  initially  digitally  constructed  to  restoration  (Figure  8).  The  oral  scanner
              dimensions of the construction, the difficul-  verify  function  and  aesthetics,  as  well  as  STL  files  was  loaded  to  laboratory  design
              ty of protocol construction as well as very  evaluate and correct phonetics (Figure 4).  software and then the digital design of the
              often human mistakes. The desire to avoid    Additional  information  such  as  the   bar was started (Figures 9-15).
              these  problems  has  led  to  the  technique  color  of  the  soft  tissues  was  provided  Our goal was to design a bar that had
              that is described in this article, where the  (Figure 5).                           strength and also space allowances for the
              zirconia  superstructure  was  reinforced  by  With the help of laboratory silicone (90  opposing teeth.  During the second stage of
              the  addition  of  a  titanium  bar  inside  the  shore hardness) a buccal and a palatal sili-  zirconia production, there should be suffi-
              structure.                                cone index was made in order to preserve  cient thickness of material for ideal durabil-

              FIG 1                                     FIG 2                                     FIG 3

             FIG 4                                      FIG 5                                     FIG 6

             FIG 7                                                            FIG 8
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