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Fig 20                                                 Fig 21
           Fig 19-21: Received from the milling centre:  The finished stained and sintered bridges.

           Fig 22: Occlusion verification in the articulator.     Fig 23: Individual ceramic layering

           Fig 24                                                 Fig 24-25: Correction of the red aesthetic parts

           securely fixed in tooth-colored acrylic  (Figure 8), I completed the   of the frameworks created a harmonious veneering result  (Figures
           gingival regions with Candulor aesthetic acrylic (Figure 9). We noticed   19 - 20). The excellent structure stability in the maxilla enabled me to
           that the screw channel exit caused an inharmonious incisal edge in   omit placing adhesive sleeves, which allowed me to design the bridges
           region 33, which needed to be addressed and avoided in the final   as delicate as possible (Figure 21). Once we placed the work in the
           bridge design (Figure 10). In the maxilla, the screw channels integrated   articulator, we were very pleased with the precise and accurate work
           unobtrusively into the bridge structure (Figure 11). The small occlusal   of the milling center: None of the contact points were missing (Figure
           screws significantly facilitate insertion and removal for the dentist   22). We were now ready to start the ceramic veneering procedure with
           (Figure 12). The patient wore the finished long-term temporary   Cercon Ceram kiss by DeguDent. Gingiva parts were individually
           restoration (Figure 13) for two weeks. It enabled us to easily adjust and   designed before the first firing  (Figure 23). When working with
           correct the bite since the human jaw is the most accurate articulator.   zirconium bridges, correct temperature control is essential to prevent
           After the wear period, we sent the temporary prostheses to the milling   tension in the structure. Prior to the second firing, final modification
           center where the bridges were scanned and the vestibular area of the   and corrections were performed (Figures 24 and 25). After the final
           anterior teeth and the gingiva parts were reduced (Figures 14 to 18).   glaze, firing the successful result was revealed (Figure 26). By optimally
           I received the finished bridges four days later. The selective staining   placing the ceramic veneering, we achieved a harmonious incisal edge

                                                                       Dental Practice i March-April 2024 i Vol 20 No 2  15
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